Glasgow - Broomhill, Jordanhill Claythorn and Bingham's Pond
Common Flower Fly (Syrphus ribesii), an insect from the family Syrphidae, feeding from fennel at the Broomhill Allotments.
06 August 2024
Alpine Blue Sow Thistle near Grantown, Speyside
Grantown on Spey and Lochindorb
Golden Dung Fly on an Alpine Blue Sow Thistle (Cicerbita alpina) near Grantown, Speyside, taken by David Palmar
28 July 2023
Fly Orchid, Warburg nature reserve, Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire and Berkshire
Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera), Warburg BBOWT nature reserve, Oxfordshire, taken by David Palmar. Its flowers mimic an insect, to attract pollinators, in fact certain wasps, to pollinate it. BBOWT is the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust. Warburg is one of their more varied and interesting reserves.
13 May 2023
A fly from the family Tachinidae on Yarrow, Grantown East
Grantown on Spey and Lochindorb
A fly from the family Tachinidae upon a pink variation of Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) at Grantown East. A Common red soldier beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) can also be seen in the background, taken by David Palmar